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You said that I don’t care, but of course I do
How come when I’m alone, I only think of you
Only been in love, maybe once or twice
But now that I’ve had just a taste you’ve got me so enticed

Used to feel those words that you spoke over me, but now I don’t
I used to feel those powder blue eyes stare through mine, but now I guess I won’t
And now I don’t know, if you want me so, I guess I’ll go

You floor me with that style, and if I had a choice
I wouldn’t slip up everytime that I hear your voice
And though it doesn’t work, I try desperately
To become this great ugly root to a perfect tree

I used to feel those words that you spoke over me, but now I don’t
I used to feel those powder blue eyes stare through mine, but now I guess I won’t
And now I don’t know, if you want me so, I guess I’ll go

Soundtrack der Woche #136

“I just try and be honest. I just write the music I want to hear and express the feelings I need to express and that’s it.”

sagt Puma Blue. Wenn du Puma Blue nicht kennst, ist es Zeit, das zu ändern. Das aufstrebende Talent, das eigentlich aus dem Süden Londons stammt und Jacob Allen heißt, macht seit einiger Zeit Wellen. Nachdem er letztes Jahr seine Debüt-EP „Swum Baby“ veröffentlicht hatte, von dem unser SdW stammt, kommt nun 2018 sein neuester Track „Moon Undah Water. Sein Debüt ist eine markante und eindrucksvolle Einführung in fesselnden verstrahlten Lo-Fi-Jazz-Sound. Lasst euch gehen.

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