Soundtrack der Woche #167

Oooh baby, oooh baby, oooh baby, oooh baby

When we out in the moonlight looking up at the stars above
Feels so good when I’m near you holding hands and making love

Oooh baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby

Sandy beach was making love as a tide moves in on us
Feels so good walking side by side, wanna be with you all my life

Oooh baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby

Dreams of you all the time, feel so good, I want to get that right
Just can’t wait till tomorrow, come on baby let’s shake it

Oooh baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby

When we out in the moonlight looking up at the stars above
Feels so good when I’m near you holding hands and making love

Oooh baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby
Oooh baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby
You’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby, you’re so baby
You’re so baby, you’re so baby, baby, baby


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