Soundtrack der Woche #168

Der Controller ist da. Daddy Cool. Oder Channel Tres.

Gebürtig aus Compton hat Channel Tres  irgendwann Detroit House und Chicago Sounds kennengelernt und war vom Undergroundtouch fasziniert. Nun macht er dunklen und deepen HipHouse, indem er das Selbstverständnis von Westcoast HipHop mitbringt.

Channel’s own unique perspective feels especially clutch on “Topdown,” where mahogany synths and a driving techno beat create the perfect pocket for his almost-raps: “Rolling with the top down/With my n****s, and your bitch.” He seems to be exploring familiar Midwestern territory, until halfway through, ’90s G-funk synths come wailing into the picture—an inspired halfway point between the Midwest and the West coast. It’s a lane ripe with promise, and one that begs for further exploration—hell, before there was N.W.A., there was the World Class Wreckin’ Cru, the electro group in which Dr. Dre performed turntable surgery in a sequined jumpsuit. With Channel Tres’ vision already this clear on his debut, the dancefloor is in good hands.

– Pitchfork

Dazu kann man tanzen, grillen, das Car2Go ausfahren, …

Weitere Anspielstationen: Controller, Glide

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