lettre #004 edition: being lazy

lettre #004 edition: being lazy

lettre #004 edition: being lazy

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Dies soll ein kleines Plädoyer werden. Ein Bekenntnis zum Faulenzen, eine Ode an die Freude des Zurücklehnens. Hoffentlich sind bei Ihnen jetzt, wo wir über Faulheit sprechen, nicht gleich alle Sicherungen durchgebrannt. Doch erst mal heißen wir Sie herzlich willkommen zu der vierten Ausgabe unseres kleinen Newsletters. Wir hoffen, dass Sie sich hier immer noch wohlfühlen. Sollte das nicht der Fall sein, melden Sie sich bitte umgehend. Abonnentenzufriedenheit nehmen wir sehr ernst. Und nun steigen Sie ein, die Fahrt geht gleich los.


Steile These: Wir müssen uns feiern fürs Nichtstun, damit Faulenzen wieder cool wird. Damit wären wir auch gleich beim eigentlichen Problem. Faulenzen ist verpönt, was dazu führt, dass wir es verlernen. Unsere Welt ist auch verdammt gut darin, uns das Faulenzen extrem schwer zu machen. Überall Unruhe, die To-do-Listen sind lang, da bleibt keine Zeit zum Faulenzen. Es ist ein Skill, den wir uns zurückerobern müssen. Wir merken selber, wie schwer uns das fällt. Denn wenn wir verlernt haben überhaupt nichts zu tun, einfach zu träumen oder aus dem Fenster zu starren, dann ist Faulenzen nicht mehr intuitiv. Es geht genau nicht darum, wie man am effektivsten abhängen kann oder in fünf Minuten den Stress einer ganzen Woche weg zu meditieren.



Vielmehr liegt es doch in der Natur des Nichtstuns, dass man sich mit der eigentlichen Realisation dessen gar nicht befassen soll. Faulenzen hat man gemeistert, wenn man sich keine Gedanken mehr darüber macht. Man faulenzt einfach. Einfach da sein für diesen Moment. Ende.
Moment mal. Sozialschmarotzertum, Hippie-Gutmensch und Leistungsverweigerung? Nö. Wir fragen uns einfach, ob wir die Untätigkeit nicht zu Unrecht verteufeln? Sich einfach mal bedudeln lassen von schöner Musik (dazu haben wir übrigens eine klasse Playlist kreiert), spannend-langweilige Dokus gucken (hier oder hier) oder nur daliegen und langweilen. Produktivität verabschieden, ablegen. Noch eine Idee: Ein ganzes Wochenende mit den Liebsten Karten spielen, einfach so.

Faulenzen funktioniert zum großen Teil außerhalb von bestehenden Normen. Weniger Dinge, weniger Bedürfnisse, weniger Konsum, dafür mehr Natur, mehr Zeit, Konzentration auf das Wesentliche. Ziemlich cool.

Über das Faulenzen nachzudenken kann uns auch helfen, neu darüber zu reflektieren, wie wir arbeiten und gut leben wollen und ultimativ auch darüber, wie wir auf einem Planeten leben sollen, den wir so übernutzen, dass wir eigentlich drei von ihm bräuchten. Das klingt jetzt erst mal nach einer ziemlichen großen Aufgabe für eine so unschuldige und zärtliche Tätigkeit wie das Faulenzen, doch verstehen Sie es eher als einen Türöffner.

Wir sehen aber bereits: Das Faulsein hat eine gewisse politische Brisanz. Faulenzen kann als theoretisch-kritischer Gegenbegriff zu jenem allgegenwärtigen Geist des Marktes werden. Wenn wir fragen, ob wir mehr Faulenzen sollten, dann suchen wir nach Möglichkeiten der (Neu-)Gestaltung des sozialen und politischen Gemeinwesens.

Musik N°1
Glass Animals – Wyrd

Ananas Vibes, Jungle Sounds und musikalische Abhängeinladung. Diese Band begleitet mich schon sehr lange und ist bis heute in meiner hot rotation. Ich kenne nichts, dass so klingt wie Glass Animals. Mystisch und minimalistisch aber voll gespickt mit kleinen Feinheiten, die es zu entdecken gibt. 

Vor kurzem haben sie ein sehr höhrenswertes Album rausgebracht aber ihr bestes Album bleibt weiterhin ihr Erstes: ZABA. Auf dem auch Wyrd zu finden ist.


Kennen Sie Heinrich Bölls „Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral“? Nein? Dann lesen Sie bitte diese großartige kurze Erzählung am besten gleich hier vollständig und überspringen Sie die hier folgende gekürzte Version.

„Irgendwo an einer Küste in Westeuropa: Ein ärmlich gekleideter Fischer liegt am Hafen und döst. Ein reicher Tourist kommt vorbei, knipst einige Fotos und fragt mehrmals, ob es dem Fischer gut gehe und weshalb er denn nicht in See steche, um einen guten Fang zu machen. Als der Fischer ihm antwortet, dass er heute schon einen kleinen Fang gemacht habe, rechnet ihm der Tourist vor, was er sich mit noch mehr Beutefängen alles kaufen könne: in einem Jahr einen Schiffsmotor, in zwei Jahren ein zweites Boot, dann einen Kutter, ein großes Kühlhaus samt Räucherei und ein Fischrestaurant – und schließlich eine riesige Marinadenfabrik, mit der er die ganze Welt beliefern könne. Der Fischer bleibt sichtlich unbeeindruckt, was den Touristen umso nervöser macht. Was denn dann passiere, will der Fischer wissen: ‚Dann‘, sagt der Fremde mit stiller Begeisterung, ‚dann könnten Sie beruhigt hier im Hafen sitzen, in der Sonne dösen – und auf das herrliche Meer blicken.‘ – ‚Aber das tu ich ja jetzt schon‘, sagt der Fischer, ‚ich sitze beruhigt am Hafen und döse, nur Ihr Klicken hat mich dabei gestört.‘ Tatsächlich zog der solcherlei belehrte Tourist nachdenklich von dannen, denn früher hatte er auch einmal geglaubt, er arbeite, um eines Tages einmal nicht mehr arbeiten zu müssen, und es blieb keine Spur von Mitleid mit dem ärmlich gekleideten Fischer in ihm zurück, nur ein wenig Neid.“      (Zeit Online entnommen)

Faulenzen deluxe Sommer, 2020

In dieser kleinen Erzählung steckt eine große Wahrheit. Zum Glück braucht es nicht viel, nur das Wesentliche. Und: Wir leben nicht, um non-stop zu arbeiten, sondern wir arbeiten, um dann ein gutes, erfülltes Leben zu führen. Im Übrigen arbeitet wahrscheinlich kein Lebewesen so viel wie der Mensch. Wir sind negativ formuliert Spitzenreiter darin unsere Lebenszeit mit (Erwerbs-)Arbeit zu vernichten. Zugegeben, es gibt auch wirklich erfüllende Arbeit, die Sinn stiftet und Menschen zu Persönlichkeiten macht und ja, es gab schon üblere Zeiten, wo noch mehr gearbeitet wurde (in den 1870er-Jahren 72 Stunden die Woche z. B.).

Wir könnten uns aber ein Vorbild nehmen am Koalabär – das genaue Gegenteil von einem Arbeitstier. Ein Koalabär isst ein paar Eukalyptusblätter am Tag und döst dann einfach. Wenn sie nicht um die 18 Stunden am Tag schlafen können, sterben die Tiere vor Erschöpfung. Jetzt können Sie natürlich zu Recht sagen, dass der Koalabär auch nicht Venedig oder Machu Picchu konstruiert hat – guter Punkt. Aber darum soll es ja gar nicht gehen. Der Koalabär perfektioniert ein Konzept, das von Ökonomen als „Zieleinkommen“ oder auch „Suffizienzwirtschaft“ bezeichnet wird. Suffizient zu wirtschaften bedeutet, die natürlichen Grenzen unseres Planeten zu berücksichtigen und möglichst wenig Ressourcen zu verbrauchen. Und hier müssen wir Menschen noch große Fortschritte machen. Vielleicht tauschen wir schon bald wieder von Profit und Wachstum zum „Zieleinkommen“ zurück, weil wir keine andere Wahl haben.

Musik N°2

Fenster – The Room (Album)

Die Band Fenster ist mir ein kleines Rätsel, das zeigt, wie viel Musik im Leben versteckt ist, die wir nicht mitbekommen, weil sie nicht großartig vermarktet wird. Fenster ist eine Band, die man live sehen sollte und deren Musik man idealerweise am Stück konsumiert, also im ganzen Album. Dazu stehen einem zwei zur Verfügung: The Room und Emocean, beide gelungen, wobei Letzteres eigentlich ein Soundtrack zu einem von der Band selbst produzierten Film ist. Also hören Sie mal rein, ich habe Fenster über ein Konzert im HAU entdeckt und war ziemlich beeindruckt von ihrem coolen Auftritt. Die Bar vorm Konzertsaal wurde an diesem Januartag von den hippesten Leuten Berlins bedrängt (hach, Konzerte!). Es war mehr eine Art Freundeskreistreffen von Menschen, die etwas mehr investieren in Musik als die Charts durchzuhören oder sich mit Spotify Weekly Mixtapes irgendwie durch die Woche zu schaukeln. Natürlich eignet sich die melancholisch-spacige Musik von Fenster super zum Faulenzen. Psych-Pop, Synthesizer-Arpeggios (gebrochene,Akkorde), Funk, R&B-Groove, warme Synthesizer, all das findet man in der verspielten, teils tanzbaren Musik von Fenster. Their sound is a window framing psychedelic, groovy, hypnogogic, playful pop. Kommen Sie in The Room, viel Vergnügen!

Relax statt Rolex.

(Slogan entliehen vom Transform Magazin)

Faulenzen ist Luxus, behandeln wir es auch als solchen! Wir müssen das Faulenzen wieder mehr wertschätzen, sowohl gesellschaftlich als auch ganz einfach für uns selbst. Wir sollten uns öfter davon frei machen, etwas tun zu müssen, und ebenso sollten wir anderen erlauben, sich diese Freiheit auch zu gönnen. Aber wenn das alle täten? Bestehen Sie aufs Faulenzen. Le droit à la paresse. Das ist ein äußerst befriedigendes Gefühl, stellen sie es sich vor wie einen ganz kurzen Urlaub. Freuen Sie sich des Lebens. Die Notwendigkeit von Urlaub scheint uns meist einleuchtend und weitesgehend akzepiert, doch sich von 14 bis 15 Uhr einfach mal hinzulegen erzeugt mindestens mal Stirnrunzeln. Diese Einsicht bringt widerum unsere Stirnfalten zum Vorschein. Das ergibt doch wenig Sinn, von der bewiesenen Notwendigkeit kurzer Pausen mal ganz abgesehen

Es ist doch paradox: Wir streben insgeheim nach Faulheit, aber preisen hemmungslos lautstark die Arbeit.

Fragen Sie doch mal Ihre Freunde, wann sie das letzte mal aktiv gefaulenzt haben, und leisten Sie bei Bedarf Nachhilfe oder Beistand. Faulenzen hilft auch dabei, einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren, überhitze Gemüter zu beruhigen oder über Dinge noch mal ein zweites Mal nachzudenken. Es ermöglicht, überhaupt erst mit sich selbst in Kontakt zu kommen. Es hilft, den manchmal nötigen Abstand zum Affekt zu bekommen. Nach einer kurzen Runde im Park sehen die Dinge schon oft ganz anders aus, mit ein bisschen Glück hat es sich ganz erledigt. Das fördert auch die eigene Lässigkeit. 

Lehnen Sie sich also zurück und legen Sie Ihre Lasten beim Eintreten in diese wundersame Welt ab. Faulenzen ist angesagt! Machen Sie es gut.

Jan & Felix

Disclaimer: Von dauerhaftem Faulsein ist ggf. abzuraten, schon allein aus lebenspraktischen Gründen. Zu viel Langeweile ist schließlich auch nicht so gut, aber das wollen wir an dieser Stelle einfach mal ignorieren.

Musik N°3

Metronomy – The Bay & The Look

Faulenzen hat auch viel damit zu tun, den allgegenwärtigen Drang zur Perfektion abzulegen. Faulenzen kennt keine Maxime, Faulenzen sollte keinem Ideal folgen oder sich bestimmten Konventionen beugen. Es ist eine Sache des persönlichen Gefühls. Faulenzen sollte sich nicht kapern lassen, wie der Mindfullness Trend zeigt, was sehr scharf im britischen Guardian analysiert wird. Das gilt natürlich auch für den gewählten Ort an dem das Faulenzen stattfindet. Paris, London, Tokyo oder Berlin sind spannende, angesagt Orte, an denen coole Kids coole Dinge tun. Doch das sollte uns beim Faulenzen nicht weiter interessieren. Im Gegenteil, der Trubel und der Hype der Stadt kann dem Faulenzen sogar Hürden in den Weg stellen (wir verweisen an dieser Stelle auf unseren Newsletter zum Thema Stadtflucht). Das hat auch Metrononmy verstanden und ein Lied über Torbay geschrieben, einen scheinbar unscheinbaren Ort an der Küste Englands.  

It feels so good
In the bay

Auch Soundtechnisch sehr gut zum Faulenzen. Nicht zu schnell, nicht zu langsam. Zum Mit-dem-Kopf-Wippen, herrlich zum Schlendern oder einfach für eine kleine Auszeit zwischendurch. Ganz nebenbei sei noch erwähnt, dass das Album English Riviera auf dem auch The Bay erschienen ist, großartig ist (den Großteil der neueren Album von Metronomy kann man sich jedoch getrost sparen). Eine gute Anspielstation ist zum Beispiel auch The Look.

Faulenzen kann man auch gut in Parks. Helsinki, 2019.

Musik N°4

Kool & The Gang – Rated X, Ruth Brown & Her Rhythmakers – I Don’t Know


Zwei Songs, die nichts gemeinsam haben, außer halt ihren mitreißenden Sound, und dass sie beide Teil des Soundtracks von Fatih Akins Soul Kitchen sind – seiner filmischen Hommage an Hamburg, die zur Zeit bei arte zu sehen ist. Kool & The Gang nutzen Sie am besten zum Aufdrehen und Ruth Brown nachdenkliches Stück, um wieder runter zu kommen. Ich habe den Film vor Jahren gesehen, ja er ist ziemlich überdreht, aber eben auch ziemlich cool, was besonders durch die gute Musik getrieben wird. Es geht es um wirklich existenzielle Dinge. Um Trinken, Essen, Feiern, Tanzen, um Heimat, Liebe und Freundschaft. Wenn Sie noch nicht so ganz frei Faulenzen können, sehen Sie diesen Film und lassen Sie sich von der Musik anstecken und den Menschen der Soul Kitchen den Kopf verdrehen.

The end.

Das war unser vierter Newsletter. Diesmal pünktlich im August. Hat es Ihnen gefallen? Wir freuen uns über Feedback, etwaiges Weiterempfehlen und auch über neue Abonnements. Tatsächlich wird sonst niemand von diesem Newsletter erfahren, da wir keine Werbung machen. Es bleibt also nur Ihre Empfehlung. Wie es so schön heißt: Subscribe now. Newsletter haben nachwievor etwas von Spam, Werbung, Nötigung. Leider, denn damit wollen wir rein gar nichts zu tun haben. Die Email zum lettre heißt: newsletter@kollektivindividualismus.de. Und im Internet kann man nach wie vor unsere Website besuchen, abhängen und staunen.

Wir sagen à bientôt und bleiben Sie uns gewogen.

Bildcredits: © Jan Nitschke © Felix Vieg © Felix Vieg © Jan Nitschke

Copyright © 2020 Kollektivindividualismus,

All rights reserved.

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soundtrack der woche


SdW #234 Lescop – La forêt

Imagine you are dancing in the woods, just for yourself. Dans la foret je te retrouve à l'heure opportuneUn rendez vous improvisé sous la luneSourires crispés, situation compliquéeJe sens ton souffle qui me frôle le couUn pistolet chargé me caresse la joueTu me dis...

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SdW #233 War – Low Rider

War ist eine amerikanische Funk-Band aus dem Jahr 1969, die Elemente verschiedener Stile wie Rock, Jazz, Reggae und Latin kombiniert. Für alle Low Rider. https://songwhip.com/war/low-rider      Mehr Soundtrack der WocheOther SdWSITEMAP Soundtrack der...

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We hate Spam. Once a month we will send you a beautiful email. You can always change your subscription preference.

Entstanden in Bonn

made w/ love

© 2020

lettre #004 edition: being lazy

lettre #003 edition: restlessness

lettre #003 edition: restlessness

Written by


Here comes issue three of our newsletter – not quite in July anymore. But there you go. We had the idea to write a monthly newsletter about a topic and some music at the beginning of 2020. Was that a good idea? We hesitated about it for a moment when we realized that it was already time deliver emails. But then we reread our last issue and your responses to it and suddenly all doubts were gone. We are very happy about every word and are still curious to hear from you whether you enjoyed it. If you liked it: Please recommend us to others. Costs nothing, but always gives us great pleasure (to have new names on the list).

2020, a really exciting year that has only recently reached the half-time mark and is quite challenging. We are very curious to see what else is coming. In June we asked ourselves how we live, where we live and where we flee to when everything becomes too much for us. You can find our last issue on the topic of city escape here. We also found out, or rather challenged you to „Get out on the streets and do something“, nobody will solve problems if we don’t take action. Is it time for unrest? We think: Yes, if it comes down to it, keep disturbing. Otherwise, in our fast-paced times, the opposite is probably true: calmness is a luxury.

So here comes a good portion of restlessness. Voilà. Good music is of course also included (further down and in the newsletter playlist) and at the end you might find your peace. Whether it’s all inside or listening to it in a warm summer night when everything gets quieter. Please keep the restlessness! Have fun!


We live in a world of unrest. And we probably let ourselves be driven and stimulated by this restlessness every day, but we also get nervous. This far seems certain, the rest is not quite clear. What is calm? When the window is closed and the delivery traffic outside is a little quieter? How do you find peace and silence if it is not enough to simply close the window? And why is unrest sometimes much more exciting and sometimes even necessary?

First of all, let us try to circumscribe the term restlessness for ourselves. Restlessness is an ambivalent something. We can gain energy from it, restlessness can drive us to new places, it can help us to try new things and to reinvent ourselves or the world. On the other hand, restlessness is often an unwanted companion, stress comes unasked for and remains stubbornly on our necks. We do not want to judge restlessness categorically. It seems too easy to ascribe a value in the form of good or evil to restlessness. As so often we notice: It’s complicated.

For many, it sometimes seems, a pinch of restlessness is part of life, a certain background noise that seems to make life worth living. Or have many only forgotten what peace is, and that it too can have its justified use? For better or worse, one must learn to mediate between tranquility and its antagonist, restlessness. Finding the right filter to put on our effervescent, roaring and chaotic world. We often notice that we live in a society that rewards the bearing of restlessness and treats the retreat into calm as weakness. We should resist this more often. Just pull the plug once in a while. We have taken this to heart, which is why this newsletter is sent out so late. But first let’s continue with some music.

Music N°1

Since we often write about music, we quickly thought of jazz when we were thinking about restlessness. Is there a genre that in its many facets fits better to the topic of restlessness? I don’t think so. That’s probably one of the reasons why many young people find it difficult to find an approach to jazz. Instead, some find what they are looking for in Robin Schulz or Lady Gaga – that promises security in a restless, volatile world. Nevertheless, we would like to share a little bit of jazz music at this point, starting with a wonderfully restless piece by Jutta Hipp. She studied painting in Germany, but then played jazz during the Second World War, even though jazz was too restless for the Nazis. Later, she fled from the East German occupation zone to Munich, because it was difficult with jazz there as well.

In the West, more jazz had arrived in small basement clubs due to American influence, and so Jutta Hipp played piano, recorded with Hans Koller and finally landed as one of the first women and whites on the big label Blue Note. It was there that the album with Almost Like Being In Love on it, namely Jutta Hipp with Zoot Sims (Blue Note, 1956), was recorded. With it she became an appearance in the Federal Republic of Germany and was probably quite well-known. Part of the restless life of this exciting musician is also her sudden end of her career and the shift back to painting and design. Something became too much for her. She didn’t like the big gigs, suppressed stage fright apparently with alcohol and wrote friends again and again that the real jazz could be only found in small clubs.

I can only agree with this from my Paris time, the atmosphere in a sweaty cellar full of sound and people (unfortunately unthinkable today) is unique. I hope that the numerous clubs in Paris and New York (and elsewhere) will somehow survive this, because jazz still has a particularly hard time. Because it keeps restlessness? Is complicated, like our now? In any case, very fascinating.

To-Do and To-Go.

In our everyday life we constantly write to-do lists. After all, we have a lot to do and that is expected of us. Most likely, the restlessness we experience has only partly to do with the noise of the city, but rather stems from our urge to live the perfect life and, maybe even more important, to communicate this to the outside world. Do we live in a society that prefers those who can tolerate as much unrest as possible? We live in a high-performance society, so there is little time to take a deep breath. We have to do that to-go. Too bad that the coffee To-go in the subway is really big shit. Not only because of the disposable cup, but also because it robs coffee of its culture. „If you don’t have time to be at the place where you serve coffee or drinks or snacks, think about your life.“ The pursuit of the (apparently) practical all too often leads to restlessness. Why is that? Is there no sense in calm? Why don’t we search for the essential more often?

Unser Blick: Ruhiges Meer im Sommer, 2020

Music N°2

No matter what you read about Fiona Apple’s album released earlier this year, it was always euphoric. We can only agree with that and have already voted it the soundtrack of the week. A great restless album, brutal and beautiful. This music fits perfectly to this newsletter, because it carries this nonconformity in itself. No song comes along without a bit of scrubbing or rhythmic breaks. „A strange, exceptional record,“ the Guardian wrote.

We don’t want to try to add anything to the numerous praise hymns here and leave it to you to familiarize yourself with a few hand-picked lyrics.

— Under The Table —
I’d like to buy you a pair of pillow-soled hiking boots
To help you with your climb
Or rather, to help the bodies that you step over, along your route
So they won’t hurt like mine
Kick me under the table all you want
I won’t shut up
— Cosmonauts —
You and I will be like a couple of cosmonauts
Except with way more gravity than when we started off
— Newspaper —
Oh, I too, used to want him to be proud of me
And then I just wanted him to make amends
I wonder what lies he’s told you about me
To make sure that we’ll never be friends
— Fetch the Bolt Cutters —
I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
Shoes that were not made for running up that hill
And I need to run up that hill, I need to run up that hill
I will, I will, I will, I will, I will


My health insurance company gives me a meditation app for free for one year and already I am saved from a burn-out. Whatever we observe: For modern city dwellers (including us?) the quest for peace and quiet often ends in a convulsive search for the inner self and for constant balance or occasional escape from the city. Soft voices from our smartphones are meant to motivate us for our morning meditation session. For only 19.99€ per month! All in the name of slowing down. In a largely senseless world of indispensable growth and the necessary more and more, it becomes quite demanding to find peace. Most of the time we have to pay for it.

Newsletter schreiben in der Hitze, 2020

Music N°3

My cousin T keeps posting good music on his Instagram account, or more precisely, he puts on records in his story that he likes. That’s also how I found out about this cool album, which is great for hot summer days. At the beginning of the track there are sounds from loudspeakers of the fictitious spaceship: (in german) „Welcome! We are happy to have you on board. Enjoy your stay and have a relaxing trip.“ A wild odyssey follows, from funky to relaxed, everything is included. T has a great taste in music and I am impressed by the number of records he must have by now. It’s nice that he puts them on for us every now and then.

Fenster zu, Unruhe raus, Berlin, 2020

Peace & Parmegiana.

We can say that we have found peace in the last weeks. Swimming in the Adriatic Sea in the morning or preparing a Parmegiana together (recipe). Try it out! The eggplant is the vegetable of rest, because those who lose patience in preparing it have no chance of success.

The recipe is even easier than the link above. For 4-6 people, roughly peel 4-5 large aubergines (the skin is sometimes very hard) and cut them into slices about 8 mm thick. Dry in the oven at high temperature for about 45 minutes without salt and oil until the slices have a solid browning. In the meantime put on a tomato sauce: Boil down good tomatoes from two cans (we like Mutti) with garlic, pepper salt without all too much stirring to a creamy Sugo. It should not be too watery at the end. Slice the mozzarella (maybe about 3-4) packs, grate the Parmesan (Parmegiano Regiano) and prepare it. Then you still need breadcrumbs. The best breadcrumbs are those that you have made yourself from old white bread. We then put aubergine, sugo, a few leaves of basil, mozzarella, breadcrumbs and parmesan in an oiled dish. The last layer closes with eggplant, breadcrumbs and a little more parmesan. Then put the Parmegiana in the oven at 160 degrees for at least 45 minutes and wait until the ingredients in its core melt into a creamy, spicy unity. Bon appetit!


Felix & Jan

Music N°4

A feedback from the lovely E to our last newsletter was related to Angèle. E wished for even more pop. Of course we can fulfill this wish. At this point we would like to present you another King of Pop: Tom Misch. He was our 30th soundtrack of the week, 2016, back then we wrote with wit: „Good mixes. Mr. Misch we count among the most promising newcomers from the island, which has just left the European community of states“. Had we known how long the Brexit would still be stretched! Tom Misch is a multi-talent and, roughly at the same age as us, can be a composer, guitarist, violinist, singer-songwriter, producer and DJ all in one. Most of the time this goes thoroughly wrong, but in this case you have to certify it: this man can play music. But now he is not alone and not so poppy anymore, sorry. He also plays and produces with many exciting musicians like Loyle Carner or the drummer Yussef Dayes.

After his somewhat overpolished debut album, What Kinda Music brings a glimmer of hope. As a pair, Dayes and Misch bring out the best in each other. Where the debut was almost too clean, What Kinda Music is blended with the depth and darkness of Dayes‘ rhythms, which balances Misch’s pitch-perfect vocals. This is especially true on „Tidal Wave“, where Dayes‘ drum rolls form a counterpoint to Misch’s multi-layered vocals. We know Yussef Dayes from his previous band project Yusseff Kamaal (SdW#178) and also solo (SdW #160) as an exciting drummer. The Independent in England writes about Dayes‘ playing: „Every note seems to be triggered by an electric shock – you never know for sure if he plays drums or the drums are playing him. He works tirelessly and with enormous sensitivity.“ We already wrote about the special experience of listening to whole albums again in the first newsletter, here you have the opportunity again.

La fin.

This was our third newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it. We are happy about feedback, possible recommendation, and also about new subscriptions. In fact, no one else will know about this newsletter because we do not run any ads. So it remains only your recommendation. As the saying goes: Subscribe now. The email to the lettre is newsletter@kollektivindividualismus.de. By the way, you can also check out our website. Nice place to hang out at. As always: Stay tuned.

Bildcredits: © Felix Vieg © Jazzwax  © Felix Vieg © Felix Vieg © Felix Vieg

Copyright © 2020 Kollektivindividualismus,

All rights reserved.

mailchimp archive

soundtrack der woche


SdW #234 Lescop – La forêt

Imagine you are dancing in the woods, just for yourself. Dans la foret je te retrouve à l'heure opportuneUn rendez vous improvisé sous la luneSourires crispés, situation compliquéeJe sens ton souffle qui me frôle le couUn pistolet chargé me caresse la joueTu me dis...

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SdW #233 War – Low Rider

War ist eine amerikanische Funk-Band aus dem Jahr 1969, die Elemente verschiedener Stile wie Rock, Jazz, Reggae und Latin kombiniert. Für alle Low Rider. https://songwhip.com/war/low-rider      Mehr Soundtrack der WocheOther SdWSITEMAP Soundtrack der...

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We hate Spam. Once a month we will send you a beautiful email. You can always change your subscription preference.

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made w/ love

© 2020

lettre #002 edition: city escape w/ Felix & Jan

lettre #002 edition: city escape w/ Felix & Jan

lettre #002 edition: city escape w/ Felix & Jan

Written by

Welcome to the newsletter of kollektiv individualismus! Please click here for the german version. 



On with number two. A certain topic and some music, that’s what we had planned for our monthly newsletter. The first issue was sent out in May, when we were all very impressed by Corona, could breathe a sigh of relief, and wrote about starting over. We are still curious to hear from you whether you enjoyed it. Thank you for all the feedback we have already received, we are very happy about that. 

We’re all terribly plagued and annoyed by this imposition called Corona (right?), so we’re relaxing a bit on this front and trying to create a Corona-free edition. Now let’s look together at a very peculiar relationship that we all know, namely how and where we live where and where we escape to when everything becomes too much for us. We are sending this second issue of lettre under the title city escape. Voilà. Good music is of course also included (further down and in the newsletter playlist) Have fun!



We two authors of this newsletter have experienced the peak phase of the Corona crisis is completely different living situations. One stayed in his flat in Berlin, the other escaped the city and spent the days more or less in the countryside, a few kilometres from Hamburg. So we deliberately asked ourselves where and with whom we wanted to spend this probably unique time. That place suddenly became so relevant.

Suddenly we really had to be at home and „live“ there. Suddenly, most of our lives actually took place at home and not, as usual, outside of it. Can you actually imagine that? In the past, generations spent most of their lives at home. Today, for many, this is an exceptional state that is hard to bear. The corona pandemic has condemned the modern nomad (us) to immobility. What does that do to us? How and where do we really want to live? We were forced to deal more intensively with that question. The longer we think about it, the more we get lost in a labyrinth of thoughts and mind games. We want to try to structure this a bit and play our idea ping-pong in three sets: City – Countryside – Escape.

Music N°1

A friend once told me that Lisbon, OH by Bon Iver is the perfect first song for almost any mixtape. He’s right. It’s some kind of an inner peace catalyst, the pep talk of any playlist. The sirens, the blips, and beeps, the weird chords at the beginning have something so mechanical, synthetic, and captivating. A chord dissolves this corset at exactly the right moment. It’s an incredible satisfaction. The listener will now turn to your mixtape with an appropriate attention. Believe me!

But on to the gentleman we’re supposed to be talking about, Justin Vernon, formally known as Bon Iver. We’ll assume that no further introduction is necessary at this point. But what some may not know: Justin Vernon comes from the deep countryside of Wisconsin and lives to this day in the small and quiet town of Eau Claire, which makes him so interesting for this lettre. He has deliberately, despite rising Instagram Follower numbers, decided against his own urbanization. Moreover, Vernon tries to use his success to give something back to the community: He curates a festival in the city, has the big names in the industry appear in his studio, gives the grandiose film Give Me Liberty a soundtrack and tries to help artists and cultural workers in the region. Pitchfork also visited him last year and wrote a nice story about it. Culture and urban exodus, so it fits together after all. That’s reassuring. 

We now also want to use Lisbon,OH to introduce a tiny little miniature Bon Iver mixtape. It will be followed by Minnesota, WI, Skinny Love, and 33 „GOD“. A little journey through the musical world of Bon Iver. A little homage to the god of vocoder and, in our minds, probably the greatest pop artist of our time.


Cities are something absolutely fascinating. 77% of Germans live in cities. Cities live with the paradox that one is never alone and yet often feels alone, as it was beautifully written on zeit.de.

Abstraction: Condensed diversity as a unity. A totally contradictory conglomerate of the most diverse actors and functions, interconnected and dependent on each other in the smallest of spaces. A colourful potpourri. We observe all sorts of impossible things (lack of broadband, broken schools and bicycle paths, traffic jams, streets full of avalanches, littered parks, crime, sluggish energy turnaround, etc.) that suddenly become possible in concrete spaces a.k.a. neighborhoods. In other words, the city of today is actually a laboratory of transformation: macro-structures of society that must somehow function in the microcosm of the city. We have to cope with each other and that’s how city life is organized. From a certain level of disorder, order emerges in the system (cyberneticists say „order from noise“). Conversely, order also enables a level of disorder: we can live together peacefully in the city. It is only because we have an ordering structure that gives us stability that we can live out so many differences in political attitudes, people, religions, sexual orientations, etc. 

Concretization: If the city can solve problems, it means: forget the UN, forget Trump and other unscrupulous jerks – they will not solve your problems. Get out on the streets and do something! Demand climate justice, fight against racism, equality, and solidarity. Cities will drive change.

Citylife in Paris, 2018

Week after week we immerse ourselves in this wonderful world that the city throws at our feet. We sweat in small concert halls, sit in renowned theatres and hip art house cinemas or eat around the world three times in one day. We enjoy it all, we would say, sometimes we even lose the sense of how much culture we consume (yes, consuming is often the right word here, but this is a completely different newsletter).

An exciting thought, which is also taken up in the article linked above: „Free time is spent. People consume the city, just as they consume each other.“

Music N°2

When I watched the wonderful film Caro Diario by Nanni Moretti (1993) with my girlfriend and I saw him driving his Vespa through a deserted Rome, I heard a song I knew from my childhood: Batonga by the Beninese-French singer Angélique Kidjo. Even though I didn’t know what was sung (which is often the case), I loved this song and memorized the cover of the album Logozo. Batonga inevitably reminds me of the powerful hi-fi system in the living room at that time and dancing on the thick red carpet as kids. The song is so cool, casual and driving. Highly recommended.  

By the way, the same goes for Caro Diario, a film that is a journey of self-discovery. What’s it about? At first, I wondered if it was even about something. Because first of all, it seems to be three movies in one. We roam the hot streets of Rome with Moretti (and his Vespa) and he refuses to find much beauty in this most beautiful of cities. Then we flee the city, visit the tiny islands off Calabria and fail to find much serenity, even though the place just screams for it. In the third part, we get comically serious again about the absurdity of our lives. Often the filmmaker seems to be on a journey without a destination. Sympathetic.  

There is a scene in the film where the narrative is omitted and we follow Moretti to the place outside Rome where the poet and film director Pier Paolo Pasolini was murdered in November 1975. Very minimalist shots filmed behind the Vespa, edited to an intoxicating improvisation by Keith Jarrett. A moment of light, movement, rhythm, flickering shapes, and silence. The Köln Concert and the most successful solo jazz album ever. 

Moretti in Rome, 1993


We long for the peace of the village, we want to be outside and not locked up in apartments, we want to go into the forest and not into boring city parks, not waste our time on traffic lights. Or do we, who so often see ourselves as hyperdynamic and -adaptable digital natives and globetrotters, realize that the world in the city is increasingly turning too fast for us too?

A surrender, then? Perhaps more a striving for the original, a longing for the beauty of simplicity in a certain way. An escape from urban anonymity in search of a place where one actually lives, instead of just staying there.

We begin to question whether the city is really the only conceivable reality for us. For many of us, the village seems like a kind of apocalyptic end-of-life stop. There live bourgeoisie or those who secretly want to become one. Beyond these prejudices, however, you can quickly get on your bike in the village and start riding or just jump into the lake that is just around the corner. You can be loud because your next neighbor is not sitting behind the living room wall or you can go shopping in farm shops for organic and regional products. With a little creativity, you can even transfer quite a lot of city features to country life, preferably without taking all the bugs with you.

Countrylife in France, 2020

Music N°3

Those who have been following us for a while should know it, the soundtrack of the week. Since 2016 we have been selecting and sharing 52,1429 times a year (sometimes 52, sometimes 53!) a particularly listenable, hip or interesting track. In a way, the playlist of all SdW is a nice overview of favorite music. We admit, currently we do not always manage to deliver weekly, but we are working on it. Recently, the Belgian power woman Angèle was our SdW. Why she impresses, although it is not really Felix music, you can read here. Angèle’s music is smart, poppy, a little bit sad, and at the same time a little bit danceable and therefore stands for our time.

Felix in Bourgundy, 2020


Now what? Pack your bags, take down the furniture and go? Has the city had its day, or is the lust for the country, the longing of the city dwellers, driven by something else? A subliminal striving for complexity reduction and simplicity? Perhaps simply a possible answer to the search for the good life?

Would we even be able to live in the country? Knowing on Mondays what you want to eat on Thursdays so that you don’t have to rush to the supermarket in the next village again on Wednesday. Let’s not fool ourselves. Although almost half of those surveyed would like to move to the countryside and the evoked urban exodus was already a mega essay topic at school, very few of them end up there. Fantastic yes, but please only for a weekend: Smell the hay and relax. 

Instead, rather a short escape and then bring a piece of nature to the city: Monstera or a rooftop garden. We (young people) enjoy the diversity of the city – our greatest asset, the starting point for our enormous mobility, the breeding ground of our culture, our being, or for experiments like this newsletter. Wouldn’t it be a bit naive, maybe even fatal, to simply throw all that overboard? Peace, a well-known neighbor, village gossip,(partly bizarre) customs, leisure time without paying anything. At the very least, it would require the courage to take risks, to be disappointed and to make sacrifices. Really? The question could also be whether that diversity is inevitably tied to the urban space. And, can’t we pursue our desires, the really important things, regardless of location anyway? 

Where do we go next and what happens next? We are not able to predict that, but thinking about it is fun and in the end, we are the ones who create the urban-rural escape. Let’s set ourselves in motion! Let us design. The corona pandemic is likely to change our cities forever and will also change our high level of mobility. And perhaps we will be drawn out into the countryside in the long term after all. Here’s to a cold drink!


Jan & Felix

Music N°4

Of course this song should not be missing in such a lettre! Die Höchste Eisenbahn are wonderful storytellers. Poetic, often melodramatic lyrics, wonderful pictures, lots of kitsch but cleverly packed and told all the more beautifully. 

Raus aufs Land is actually about Kai and how Kai steals the singers girlfriend. But if you put Kai aside, the story of a failed city escape is told here.

    Und hier gibt es keine Busse
    Und die Landluft macht uns so frei
    Und ich liebe Autofahren
    Und du liebst inzwischen Kai

    Ist es das was du immer wolltest, was dir immer so stank?
    In unserer Zwei-Zimmerwohnung, meintest du das mit raus aufs Land?

There it is again, this discord.

The end.

This was our second newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it. We are happy about feedback, possible recommendation, and also about new subscriptions. In fact, no one else will know about this newsletter because we do not run any ads. So it remains only your recommendation. As the saying goes: Subscribe now. The email to the lettre is newsletter@kollektivindividualismus.de. By the way, you can also check out our website. Nice place to hang out at. Stay tuned.

Picture credits: © Jan Nitschke © Felix Vieg © TVtropes © Felix Vieg © Felix Vieg

Copyright © 2020 Kollektivindividualismus,
All rights reserved.

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soundtrack der woche


SdW #234 Lescop – La forêt

Imagine you are dancing in the woods, just for yourself. Dans la foret je te retrouve à l'heure opportuneUn rendez vous improvisé sous la luneSourires crispés, situation compliquéeJe sens ton souffle qui me frôle le couUn pistolet chargé me caresse la joueTu me dis...

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SdW #233 War – Low Rider

War ist eine amerikanische Funk-Band aus dem Jahr 1969, die Elemente verschiedener Stile wie Rock, Jazz, Reggae und Latin kombiniert. Für alle Low Rider. https://songwhip.com/war/low-rider      Mehr Soundtrack der WocheOther SdWSITEMAP Soundtrack der...

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We hate Spam. Once a month we will send you a beautiful email. You can always change your subscription preference.

Entstanden in Bonn

made w/ love

© 2020

lettre #001 edition: start over w/ Felix & Jan

lettre #001 edition: start over w/ Felix & Jan

Written by

Welcome to the newsletter of kollektiv individualimus!

english version


Bonjour everyone!

Nice to have you with us. From now on we will send a monthly newsletter on a certain topic and some music. A few beautiful, wild or beautiful-wild lines, something to think about, something to listen to, something to laugh or cry to. We stick to our old credo: Relax where contradiction meets beautiful observations. Here we play Ping Pong with ideas and music. As always: Without advertising. Finally everything makes no sense. Have fun!

Please check our english introductory mail for some basic information about the authors, the format and the details of the english version.

neu anfangen.*

How do you start over? How do we begin something new? Before we were physically distanced from each other, we had the idea of a newsletter during one of our many evenings together. A little restart for our blog, a new look and new ideas in the center of attention. Usually we take a white, blank piece of paper and just start sketching. The first step was simply the feeling or let’s say the insight into the necessity (Einsicht in die Notwendigkeit) of a new big step. Et voilà, here we are. Starting over. Our first issue of lettre is sent out.

*means something like starting over or begin anew

Okay, admittedly, we didn’t know we wouldn’t be sitting together again soon. How fragile is our „normal“? On the one hand, it didn’t necessarily make the new start any easier. And on the other hand, we now find optimal conditions to start. During this time we find that nothing stays as it was. Almost everyone is experiencing the time right now like in a film. A feeling of unreal reality somehow. Suddenly we have a crisis that everyone is afraid of, even the narrow-minded, and not, as with the climate crisis, the foresighted.

We learn a lot about modern society. To quote the German sociologist Armin Nassehi with Adorno: there is no place outside the gearbox. Neither theoretically nor empirically. This is not new, but rarely as visible as it is now. So is the pandemic a kind of visual aid? We now suddenly see social inequality, global dependencies and new nationalism. We understand: curves that go down can give hope, falling numbers are now confidence. Expansion is not a value in itself, slowing down can increase security, and what matters is the human element, solidarity and cooperation, unpaid or underpaid work, mostly by women, and emotional intelligence. When we look over the Atlantic, we see very clearly (and George Packer put it neatly) that stupidity and injustice are dangerous to life, that the alternative to solidarity is perhaps only death.

We learn a lot about ourselves. Sundays all the time. Staying home. About our impatience. About our human need for co-presence. About loneliness as freedom. About a moment of self-calibration. We encounter our self. This is what we should maintain: pause, renew and, where possible, begin anew.

We may all have been involved with contemplation (ϑεωρία) recently, with philosophical thoughts, questions of meaning. Sudden clarity in the minds of many, although we as a society in the fog of the invisible threat can and should only drive on sight. Days when we buy nothing. The sky free of airplanes. Roads for cyclists alone. This can be enjoyed. But we must also talk about the difficulties of isolation for many less privileged people. Finally a little break from the stressful everyday life in a hyper-globalized world? One must also be able to afford the joy of renunciation. My balcony, the big kitchen in the shared flat and my own room as a retreat, that’s all a little bit of luxury. The Corona crisis is hitting many people hard, some particularly hard, but above all – or so it seems – the happy home office employees are complaining. Others develop conspiracy theories – a way of dealing with fear, complexity and uncertainty, an understandable but dangerous way of starting over. Let’s not fool ourselves, nothing will be the same as before. A serious promise that everything will be the same as before is hard to imagine and simply naive.

But a new and sustainable restart, why not? The measures were probably largely without alternative, but a return to the exact same old crises of normality is not. Perhaps it is even impossible. The window is now wide open and a gentle breeze is blowing. We should start over. All together.


See you soon!

Jan & Felix

Music. N°1

We want to start with an artist who has managed to find a place for (in the broadest sense) piano music in our zeitgeist. Nils Frahm is appreciated by lovers of classical classical music, from music editors to ravers (at least since he worked with DJ Koze on the soundtrack for the movie Victoria). He was allowed to set up his studio in the Funkhaus in Berlin, at concerts he runs from one piano to the next and turns around countless controls. He is one of those damn cool and loveable nerds.

We want to hear two pieces in a row:
In my friend the forest, a grandiosely puristic recording, Frahm brings everything from his piano directly to our ears. Every pedal, every steel side, dampers, case, hammers and springs. We are completely thrown back to the essentials.

In sunson there is not much left of the classical piano, but this piece is exemplary for what makes him stand out: he manages to tell wild stories that absolutely fit into our time. The old piano music can also tell stories. It’s just that we young people often (still) don’t quite understand them.

The Internet.

You can still visit our website on the Internet. We have started a little bit new there as well. It will be quieter and more lively en même temps. You can listen to our evergreen soundtrack of the week (SdW for short), enjoy hand-picked playlists and just hang out for a while if you feel like it.

„Social“ networks.

We’ll soon be saying goodbye to our social media accounts in silence (admittedly, there wasn’t much activity there either). We wish for a more conscious approach to things. Facebook and Instagram will be buried. We count on you and the newsletter. Hopefully we bet on the right horse!

Music. N°2

How do you actually listen to your music? Spotify users may find the medium itself temporarily overwhelming. That’s how it happens to me at times. When your own music world only consists of single tracks of millions of – pardon me – arbitrary artists. Everything available – nothing to enjoy. When was the last time you heard an entire record? Just like that, from beginning to end, like my dad. „That’s a bit much!“, you’ll think, but listen to the whole album! (This is especially easy with CDs or records.)

A great album to practice this pleasure is the new Czenias by Nicolas Jaar (alternative link), my absolute favourite artist. I don’t want to reveal too much now, but you won’t be disappointed. Czenias means ashes in Spanish, if I am correct. A symbol of decline and new beginnings alike. Nicolas Jaar creates an album with every track being strangely different and unique – without exeption, this is their only common ground and can be understood as a kind of roadshow to all the boundaries of electronic experimental music. Only the last track sounds like his unsurpassed debut album Space is only noise. You notice, the man also has a talent for titles. [If you have a zoom call right away and want to consume in a compressed form, you may cheat a bit: Garden – Xerox – Faith Made of Silk (in this order)]

A little more of starting over.

A nice thought: we must now show solidarity with the old and with all those who are particularly vulnerable. And that is what is happening successfully. So after the crisis we should say: Now we are doing it the other way round. Now it is a matter of the young, the next generation. Now we are in solidarity with them. If the ecological crisis was not yet visible enough, not tangible enough, then we should make it clear to all people that there is a multiple of what we now perceive as a threat. Period.

We cannot point out often enough how striking the parallels are with the climate crisis. Le Monde Diplomatique describes this very cleverly and in hopeful tones. You can read the article here (in german) (in french) (in spanish).

Bernd Scherer, Director of HKW Berlin, writes in the FAZ: [since the Whatever it takes rescue practice that our unchecked growth brings along ] „cannot be applied forever, the challenge of the corona pandemic is to develop new […] practices and ways of thinking, even a new alphabet of living and living together“. Find the beautiful english version here.

And yes, things are happening which seemed to be completely impossible (keyword: Schwarze Null [a german doctrine, Balanced budget amendment). The future is now fundamentally open. Now that trillions have been and will be distributed, the state will have to think about refinancing the costs and this will lead to exciting and important political debates. When companies are rescued, the state can (and should) tie this to conditions such as resilience and sustainability. As Sven Giegold, a MEP from the European Greens, put it nicely, the state must not represent the taxpayer worse than a fund manager represents his investors.

Good news for all those who cannot make friends with Steady or Degrowth thoughts in the current situation: According to a study led by environmental economist Cameron Hepburn of Oxford University, stimulus packages that integrate sustainability conditions are superior to conventional alternatives. They bring lower costs, more jobs and higher returns, for example, when investing in renewable energies and digital networks.

Music. N°3

We continue with Isolation Berlin, which, besides the equally fantastic band Die Nerven, is pretty much the best German rock band.
In terms of content the guys from Berlin (surprise!) move between hopelessness and romantic longing for meaning in the urban jungle. That all sounds a bit gloomy now, maybe it is, but they hit a nerve with me. It is the ambivalence between the wild, exciting, boundlessly big city and the anonymity and indifference, the ignorance and the so quickly transitory, which somehow fascinates and disgusts us all at the same time.

Is there no alternative or do you just lack the courage to try something different? urban exodus, is that a thing? For Isolation Berlin, the train seems to have left for a new beginning, but actually it doesn’t even stop here. „[Sunken] in Isolation Berlin“ they sing of their souls worn down by the big city. Wonderful!

Music N°4

When I dream myself to this place in Paris, I hear Diane from Paul Bley and Chet Baker. And in the face of the Corona era, alone together or Alone Together by Chet Baker. Wow.

The end.

This was our first newsletter. We hope you liked it. We are happy about feedback, possible recommendation and also about new subscriptions. As they say: Subscribe now. The email to the letter is newsletter@kollektivindividualismus.de. Please stay with us.

Copyright © 2020 Kollektivindividualismus,
All rights reserved.

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A short Introduction

Welcome to the newsletter of kollektiv individualimus! ENHello everyone! Thank you for choosing our newsletter!We are Felix and Jan - the people behind kollektiv individualismus - and we are really happy that you are joining tus on this adventure. Before we say...

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SdW #234 Lescop – La forêt

Imagine you are dancing in the woods, just for yourself. Dans la foret je te retrouve à l'heure opportuneUn rendez vous improvisé sous la luneSourires crispés, situation compliquéeJe sens ton souffle qui me frôle le couUn pistolet chargé me caresse la joueTu me dis...

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SdW #234 Lescop – La forêt

Imagine you are dancing in the woods, just for yourself. Dans la foret je te retrouve à l'heure opportuneUn rendez vous improvisé sous la luneSourires crispés, situation compliquéeJe sens ton souffle qui me frôle le couUn pistolet chargé me caresse la joueTu me dis...

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SdW #233 War – Low Rider

War ist eine amerikanische Funk-Band aus dem Jahr 1969, die Elemente verschiedener Stile wie Rock, Jazz, Reggae und Latin kombiniert. Für alle Low Rider. https://songwhip.com/war/low-rider      Mehr Soundtrack der WocheOther SdWSITEMAP Soundtrack der...

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We hate Spam. Once a month we will send you a beautiful email. You can always change your subscription preference.

Entstanden in Bonn

made w/ love

© 2020